Monday, December 22, 2008


Things aren't always fair. I guess we've all learned that the hard way. But sometimes, i just can't comprehend the way people get chosen for certain things.
my knees are tucked up to my chest, as i sit in the 2 am computer screen glow, trying to find a voice loud enough so that someone might listen. as i sit here, solemn faced, my sister lay there, scared and unsure. test after test, needle after needle. and all I can think of is this is not the way it should be. take me, make it me. i can bare this all. just please don't make her sick too. please don't make her feel that pain, that fear, that uncertainty. she just had a son, a beautiful son and she needs to be home. i was made for this, i'm the one you want here. i can handle it, i've found the strength and the acceptance. just please, let it be me instead. and so, as I get ready to rest my head, here's to hoping someone listens. I would do anything to make her better. i will take it all. so when I open my eyes again. it's okay, if when I go to stand, i fall.. as long as you make her okay.

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