Thursday, January 29, 2009


surprises make me smile, more giving than getting. today I flew 10,000 ft. into the sky from california to texas, without telling a single soul (well, one soul was told). The thought made my heart race faster, and my steps a little more brisk. i had something to look forward to. more so than that though, today was pretty special. it made me really realize how lucky I am to be able to afford myself such luxuries, to have a family whose faces light up when they see you, to have nieces and nephews whose tiny hands and laughs and cries do something that no one has ever been able to do to me, melt my heart(i guess i know why that term exists now). i spend so many days strumming my guitar, sitting at my desk, reading books, all daydreaming and wanderlusting about my next destination, my next move, the horizon and you know what? today, for once, i didn't want to be anywhere other than where I am. sitting on the floor coloring with teagan, riding in the car talking to lori, watching gina carry francesca, seeing my parents smile wide when I walked into lunch, having late night tea with c. As unoriginal and sappy as it seems, this really was a first for me. to not have a mind wandering to places I can only dream. i guess sometimes, in fleeting moments, life gives you the stuff that dreams are made of. guess I had a surprise in store for me today too.

that's all. Gooodnight.

(img src- ffffound)

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

I did the exact same surpise last month! No one had any idea except for my Dad, and he wasnt going to tell a soul. Surprising my Mom, Brother and Nephew was one of the highlights for me! Just to be there with family is sometimes all you need.