Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Inspired by the Sounds

inspired to listen to the sounds...
i go to sleep with melodies dancing in my head, and when I open my eyes, the sounds I hear overwhelm..
Like thick wine flowing in my veins.... sound just sinks into my skin. I walk the walk and talk the talk and park my car on the exact same street, but I've got a belly full of melodies, and when I walk... I walk along like I'm inside the song. The shape of my heart is separated only by scars, but the hollowness inside my chest carries a beat, and I'm constantly wondering if I can grow back the leaves.

I feel like there's so much I can't say, but in the sounds, it's all just movements in my bones, and I can feel it move and sway. I can twist and turn and lose the lessons that I find hard to learn. I'm weary and I'm tired, my wide open eyes search endlessly for the perfect sound to catch me off guard and send me off to sleep. When everything is wrapped up in disguise, I don't know which face to believe... so I just listen for the sounds that come wandering in the night, and i lay in the sunlight as it pours in all the cracks in the window. Cause I can feel the music alive and dancing in my bones.

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