Tuesday, February 3, 2009

meet me in montauk

"How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot! / The world forgetting, by the world forgot / Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! / Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd."

Was reminded today how incredible this movie is. It brings to the forefront of my mind that Nietzschean idea that we are doomed to be ourselves, that the "eternal recurrence of the same" has a gravitational pull on our hearts. Maybe even given choice, we head down the same roads. Are we really better off eliminating heartbreak from our lives, or does heartbreak make us whole? Is there a bigger dilemma in the greater picture? Somehow, someway... this is the only movie that has genuinely brought my eyes to tears. No really, I'm not sure why.. but I remember crying like a baby. It was like it really asked me BIG questions about what love really is, what fate really is. Is it all consuming? Do we really have a choice?

Ah.. the perils of an emotion that no one can quite understand. At once both dangerous and exciting. I'm opening up the DVD, grabbing some tissues, taking my meds and staying in tonight. My tired body will thank me... my heart on the other hand, may not.

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