Monday, March 16, 2009

throwing up your hands & forgetting all the things you were supposed to do.

I want to skip all the spaces where the air gets thin...

the day smells sweet today, perhaps its the leftover popsicle that dripped down my fingers at lunchtime..
spring time is finally here... in the city near the sea where the birds sing and and you can feel the ocean breeze...

the icecream man made his first appearance of the season today, i ran out barefoot, smile on my face. today, it didnt matter where I was or what I was doing, I could feel the sun on my face and I knew.. summer will be here soon.

I want cotton dresses, cut off shorts, drinking beers on my patio, I want a suntan and an outdoor band... I am dreaming of the season, that will add another year to my belt... I am dreaming of the smells of the flowers and I hope when it comes... I am somewhere other than here...

sprintime is here... let's hold hands and remember why dear... lets remember why...

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