Thursday, February 14, 2013

not much of a rainbow.

I'm just an ordinary girl... 
most times I feel less than ordinary..
I'm terrified of feeling sad therefore I don't know how to feel completely happy
I would give you everything I had if i knew you would protect it
i like to go for walks and read books because it's the only way my mind gets quiet
I'm tired of loving things so much that it breaks my heart
sometimes I see things that I think are so beautiful it feels like I can't breathe
I am not brave enough to say how I really feel about the things that matter most
I pay attention to almost everything even if it looks like I don't
I daydream about worlds where all I know is happiness and am never blue
I am pretty damn broken and bruised
I want to find words that make everything different. 
I want to be something other than ordinary, 
I'm just not sure how to get there...

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