Tuesday, October 22, 2013

In the meantime.

I hope you find this...
I hope curiosity gets the best of you and you find yourself here. I hope I am not intimidating in my words, but honest and gentle instead.  I'm a kind person, you'll see. It was never meant to be this way.

Things can change drastically from day to day, I've learned this an unfortunate amount of times.  So while I put no blame on anyone but myself, I also believe there comes a point in time where everyone deserves to know the truth.  Those eyes that get hidden behind. It starts to happen so often it becomes hard to tell stories from truth.  Eventually, one either believes or questions everything.  Our naiveté most often determines what we'll choose.

I just wanted you to know, that I've been around.  Up until now, I've been around.

Like a greyhound running his best race, going round and round chasing a puppet on a string. I've been quiet and steady and happy and sad every single day.  I didn't realize what was happening to me until it happened. Until I opened my eyes. It happened with a photograph, that moment that made me see the real truth.  All this time darling, that man was having his cake and eating it too.

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