Monday, August 25, 2008

ramble ramble...

I'm just starting to accept that fact that summer is nearing it's end. I've denied it all month... I hate when people start saying it at the end of july, but finally, even I will admit.. It is the 25th... and this weekend will be the last of my birthday month and unfortunately the last of the summer. How sad am I? I guess I should be happy, being as how it could mean the end of the heat wave... but really.. I was growing quite fond of poolside drinks and quick dips... of walking around los angeles with sweat dripping down my legs... it really starts to grow on you. Does the end of summer also mean the end of my weekend jaunts to the city?

So I've been listening to Tom Petty on heavy rotation the last 4 days solid. Nothing like a little wildflowers to make you really feel FREE. Roll your window down and stick your hand out type of free. You know the feeling... Come'on i KNOW you know the feeling.

I can feel it in my bones these last few days, you know "it", that feeling.. that just makes you want to take pen or pencil to paper and draw draw draw like mad until you run out of thoughts... it's all there FINALLY.. just building up. I've been waiting for you old friend.

My thoughts are a bit disconnected right now, as Im sure you can tell.. I'm rambling on.. but mostly.. I want to talk about music. Have you listened to sleepercar? If not you most likely should. Check out the new conor oberst solo album too. I was pretty impressed. Oh and.. DID YOU HEAR?!?! NEIL YOUNG AND WILCO on the SAME TICKET! YAHOOOOOOO... sign me up.


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