Monday, January 26, 2009

lonesome threes....

a cool way to remember songs.. just video yourself! whoaaaaaaaaa....

1 comment:

joeydavila said...

Genny, Gloria and I are praying for you. I don't know where you are spiritually, but one thing I do want you to know is that you are loved. We of course have no idea what you are going through but we do know a little about dealing with a disease as our Jaden has Down Syndrome,which affects all parts of the nervous system, heart, brain, muscles, lungs, etc. I don't know which is worse, having the disease or watching your son go through it. Either way, it's no fun. If you find yourself needing a little extra something to get you through the day, post something on my facebook page & we'll lift you up in prayer anytime. Seriously. Take care & God bless.