Friday, February 6, 2009

Can't See Your Face No More

take it easy on me love for all of the garden's flowers have grown to respect you, and somehow time has managed to forgive those words that have left you, and I keep trying my best to forget the love that I resent. I am not a ghost, it's just a story we'll someday tell, I suppose.. we were always driving on the yellow line, never knowing if we would be fine... I've almost removed all the sand from my sheets, and as I gather the last grains, I start to shiver with defeat. Do you even still know me? or is it like all things, dying slowly? It's only fleeting moments, but moments all the same... when I hear that sound or see those greens, I start skipping beats and thinking uncontrollably... but time, time has brought me understanding.. and only flashes of missing memories.

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