Monday, February 9, 2009

A Slightly Wrong Template

I've always had this suspicion (or maybe belief) that I was made with a script error, maybe there was an excess of colored pencils and I got colored an odd shade blue or someone forgot to close a tag <> and therefore something is slightly askew. Throughout the years while things whirl around and time draws out, I've just sat, and watched as the cracks split open and I fall through.

Today though, as I romp around my house in an afterwork frenzy of boredom.. I think, It seems like a rarity these days that I find myself grinning when not packed full of caffeine or on some sort of vacation. It is a remarkably beautiful thing to just naturally find yourself truly happy about a situation.. I am happy.. and I am grinning. Just staring through a rain dropped screen of glass and I can feel the sunshine....

BUT...I still think my potential tombstone might say:

Genny Davila- A slightly wrong template

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Does that mean that I might find you on sale at Marshall's? In the slightly irregular aisle? :)